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FBD Insurance Rás Stage 4 Pictures Lisdoonvarna - Templemore
By Eddie Dawson Photos By Lorraine O'Sullivan
May 26, 2005, 09:19

In Lisdoonavara The lads took time out to visit the school XXXXXxx and Eugene Moriarty

Vincent gleeson and Eugend Moriarty with some of the puples

He will never make it to Templemore on this bike

Billy Archbold Lisdoonvarna stage end organiser propares it start stage 5 of the FBD Insurance Ras

Paul Manning and team mates patroling the fronth of the bunch

Roger Aiken Louth Safe Cycling

Eddie O'Donoghue Team Murphy & Gunn

Tight Moriarty and T.V. Cameraman Michael Walsh

Tim Barry Tipperary Dan Morrissey Team

Robin Sharman GB Recycling .co.uk Team

Nobody told me about this sharp bend

Chris doesn't look happy in the rain

Lead Car 1 Eddie Dawson & Cathy Mansfield on the way to Templemore

Every where we go the children love to see the FBD Insurance Ras

At last Malcolm Elliott Yorkshire Trinity Capital gets that stage victory

Third in the stage Eugene Moriarty holds on the mountain jersey

Fourth in the satge Paul Healion Dublin Usher Insulations gets the blue jersey

He won the stage and holds on to his points jersey Malocom Elliott

Second in the stage and overall race leder ChrisNewton GB ReCycling.co.uk

Stuart Gillespie Eugene Moriarty,Chris Newton,Paul Healion and Malcolm Elliott

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FBD Insurance Rás Stage 8 Pictures Phoenix Park, Dublin
FBD Insurance Ras Stage 7 Pictures Rathdrum - Wicklow
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FBD Insurance Ras Stage 5 Pictures Templemore - Abbeyleix
FBD Insurance Rás Stage 4 Pictures Lisdoonvarna - Templemore
FBD Insurance Ras Stage 3 Pictures Tubbercurry - Lisdoonvarna
FBD Insurance Ras Stage 2 Pictures Emyvale - Tubbercurry
FBD Insurance Ras Stage 1 Pictures Dublin - Emyvale


Last Updated: Feb 23rd, 2024 - 15:58:26

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