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Stage 5
Feb 4, 2008, 19:36






TRALEE, Farranfore Category 3 KOM, Killarney, Ladies View Category 2 KOM, Molls Gap Category 2 KOM, Kenmare, Turners Rock Category 2 KOM, Glengarrif, Derrynacreha Category 3 KOM, Ballylickey, Bantry, (Ballydehob),  SKIBBEREEN.



Skibereen is the destination on stage five, a tough 141 kilometre race which takes the riders over five categorised climbs. The first of these is the second category Farranfore ascent and the summit comes just 17 kilometres after the start in Tralee, making it almost certain that the bunch will split into several pieces. Three more category two mountains then punctuate the next hour and a half of racing, namely Ladies View (50.8km), Molls Gap (55.5km) and Turners Rock (83.1km).


The fragmented peloton will head through Glengariff and on to the category three Derrycreha. 45 kilometres lie between the top and the finish, and there will be plenty of action along the route through Bantry, Ballydehob and to the line in Skibbereen. This should be one of the most decisive days in the race.


Latest Headlines
Route And Detailed Analysis 2008
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
FBD Insurance Rás Race Officials 2008


Last Updated: Feb 23rd, 2024 - 15:58:26

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