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Earpiece Radios Banned By UCI
Jan 6, 2010, 10:29


The use of earpiece radios will be banned from this year’s FBD RÁS 8 Day International Cycle Race which will take to the roads of Ireland from 23rd to 30th May. Although now a feature in all major international races allowing team managers, usually also equipped with TV facilities, constant communication with their riders the radios have not always met with universal approval.


In recent years many have argued the riders rely too much on team manager instructions and are losing the ability to “read” a race and use his/her own initiative. Certainly there are many instances of radio use which leads to negative riding because teams are following instant instructions from managers tuned into TV coverage of the event.


Supporters of radios quite rightly argue the safety of the riders is paramount and this is enhanced if managers can warn their riders of potential hazards on the road ahead.


Now the world controlling body, Union Cycliste International (UCI), has issued a directive phasing out in 2010 the use of radios in all national and 1.2 and 2.2-ranked international events, plus the World Championships. It is expected the Tour de France and other major Tours will follow suit in the near future.


Meanwhile the route for the FBD RÁS is expected to be announced in the next few weeks.

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Last Updated: Feb 23rd, 2024 - 15:58:26

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