Defending Champion Bialobiocki And 2013 Race Leader Hawkins Confirmed For An Post Rás
Apr 4, 2014, 06:12

Twelve months after he took a nail-biting victory in the An Post Rás over Irishman Connor McConvey, winning the race by virtue of better accumulated stage placings, Marcin Bialoblocki will return to the event once again in a bid to make it two victories in a row. 


James Moss Velosure Giordana
The powerful Polish rider will spearhead an ambitious Velosure Giordana squad next month, with that outfit being one of three British teams announced today by the An Post Rás race organisers. Bialoblocki is likely to be joined by the 2012 Tour of the North winner James Moss plus Steve Lampier, who was a top twenty finisher last year in the Tour of Britain. The final two places on the team will be finalised closer to the event. 


“The big goal is clearly for Marcin to repeat last year’s overall victory,” says team manager Malcolm Elliot, a former top pro who won stages and the points jersey at the Vuelta a España in the past. After returning to the sport in his forties he also took stages in the An Post Rás. 


He added that the team would have a good build-up to the race. “The riders will ride the Tour du Loir et Cher this month as preparation, plus all the major one day events in the UK.” 


For Bialoblocki, regaining the race leader’s jersey is a big target of his 2014 season. The same ambition is in sight for another rider who led the race last year, Peter Hawkins of Madison Genesis. 


He led the race after stage two but then crashed out the following day while in yellow, with a fractured collarbone making it impossible to continue. 


Liam Holohan Madison Genesis
Dominic Jelfs Madison Genesis
A determined Hawkins and fellow Irishman Dom Jelfs will be part of the quintet next month, and will be likely joined by Liam Holohan, the most aggressive rider on the Haytor stage of the 2013 Tour of Britain, plus last year’s British Premier Calendar runner-up Tom Stewart. 


According to team manager Roger Hammond, the fifth member of the team will be decided closer to the event. 


The former Paris-Roubaix podium finisher believes that his riders can have a big influence on the outcome of the race. “With Pete and Liam we have riders that have the capabilities to both win stages and the overall,” Hammond states. “We will go there to try and settle unfinished business left over for Pete from last year. 


“He is very motivated to perform on home roads, and to prove to selectors he is a candidate for the Commonwealth Games road race later in the year.” 


The team will compete in the Spring cup Elite road series in the UK as part of its preparation, and will also race in the Ronde Van Overijsel and the Arno Wallaard Memorial in the Netherlands. 


The third British team confirmed today is the NFTO team, and it too will chase the final victory in Skerries on May 25th. 


“Will we will be looking for the overall win and will target certain days for individual stage victories,” says team manager Becky Frewing. “Our leaders are likely to be Josh Hunt and Hugh Wilson.” 


Josh Hunt NFTO
Dale Appleby NFTO
Hunt competed last season in the colours of Team UK Youth, as did his team-mate James Lowsley Williams. Both helped then-teammate Marcin Bialoblocki to overall victory and picked up important experience along the way. 


Wilson won last year’s Jock Wadley race and has the engine to make an impression next month. Frewing also tips James Lewis for a strong performance, saying that the six foot seven inch rider is very powerful. The team will likely be completed by Dale Appleby, who finished second into Gort in 2012. 


“All riders are solid UK pro's, young riders with good futures ahead of them,” states Frewing. 


“The team have had a long winter’s training, including camps in Mallorca and Australia for some. The British Cycling Elite Road Series will allow some good preparation beforehand, with three road races in the run up to the Rás.” 


Race Director Tony Campbell has seen several British teams excel in recent years and anticipates the same this time around. “With riders such as last year’s winner Marcin Bialoblocki, race leader Peter Hawkins and others confirmed as part of what are three important teams, I think they’ll definitely leave their mark,” he says. 


“In addition to being strong riders, several of them have also competed in the race before and will gain a lot from that. They know the terrain, the tactics and the aggressive style of racing which characterises the An Post Rás, and will add to the action in just over six weeks’ time.” 

Petrer Hawkins In Yellow Before He Crashed Out Of The Race

For More Information Contact:


David Foster                            David.foster@ogilvy.com




Tony Campbell                         tonycampbell@anpostras.com





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