FBD Insurance Ras Stage 1 Pictures Dublin - Emyvale
May 23, 2005, 14:36

The big bunch being escorted to the start at the GPO

Team Ireland Grant Thornton on the way to the start

Adrian Tahney FBD Insurances at the GPO starting the 2005 FBD Insurance Ras

First picture of racing on the Balbriggan Motorway

First rider to break away was Paul Healion Dublin Usher Team

First disaster of the race after 10 Kilometers of racing

Morgan Fox down but not out thanks to race Doctor Phil Brady

First break hedding in to Drogheda

Stage 1 Winner Roger Aiken Louth Safe Cycling

Keeping warm on a very cold wet day Eugene Moriarty, Roger Aiken And Morton Hegerberg

Stage Winner Roger Aiken no leaders Yellow Jersey due to time bounes in the satge

Stuart Gillespie US Team TIAA-CREF leader in the Under 23 Competition

Morton Hegerberg 2nd over the line but race leader due to time bonuses

Kevin Dawson YorkshireTrinity Capital Team 3rd. on the stage

Mountain Jersey holder Eugene Moriarty Team Cycleways.com

First Yellow Jersey of the 2005 FBD Insurance Ras Morten Hegerberg Norway Sparebanken Vest Team

Special award for Roger Aiken

All the days jersey holders Aiken,Moriarty,Hegerberg ,Gillespie And Dawson

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