FBD Insurance Ras Stage 2 Pictures Emyvale - Tubbercurry
May 24, 2005, 08:34

The start of the stage from Emyvale

Inger Ness first lady to be Chief Commissaire of the FBD Insurance Ras

Side view a the bunch passing by

Service car 2 Gerry Beggs gives Bill Moore Team Meath Martin Donnelly a quick wheel change

24 year old Thomas Lavery Kerry Team had a bad day in the office

Morton Hegerberg being proctected by his team mates Sparebanken Vest Norway

Team Sparebanken Vest controlling the race for their race leader

Passing through the feeding zone on the way to Tubbercurry

Chris Newton happy in the bunch with Yanto Barker Wales Stenna Line

View of the big bunch on the narrow roads

Well proctected two police escorts as we travel through Co. Fermanagha

Yanto Barker missed out this time

Chris Newton getting accross to the leaders

Philip Cassidy Team Cycleways.com doing all the wotk to establish the brake

Chris Newton, Malocom Elliott,Conor Murphy and Phil Cassidy 8 Km to go to the finish in Tubbercurry

Chris Newton outsprints Malcolm Elliott for to win stage two

Conor Murphy Team Ireland Grant Thornton takes third place

Philip Cassidy Team Cycleways.com comes in fourth

Malcolm Elliott Yorkshire Trinity Capital gets the green jersey

Chris Newton takes the overall race leaders yellow jersey

Jersey holders in Tubbercurry Eugene Moriarity,Chris Newton, Philip Cassidy, Connor Muyphy,Malcolm Elliott and Stuart Gillespie

Another wet day on the Ras for this young cyclist

Morton Hegerberg Team Sparebanken Vest Norway lost out today

Just wondering what Chris is saying ?

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