FBD Insurance Ras Stage 3 Pictures Tubbercurry - Lisdoonvarna
May 25, 2005, 14:01

Without them we would not have a Ras thanks to the Garda and Motorcycle Marshalls

Adrian Hedderman and Frank O'Connor Team Murphy and Gunn get ready for the start

Meath Martin Donnelly Team before the start in Tubercurry

Craig Sweetman Meath Martin Donnelly carries a black armband as mark of respect for five school children killed by accident in his county

Bill Moore ready for another days racing

That man Cassidy at the fronth again

Ireland Grant Thornton rider Brian Keane

Paul Healion and Mark Lovatt in action on the way to Lisdoonvarna

Hi Chris we are watching you everywhere

Martin Snizek, Team Elmarco KK Cube Czech Rep.

Paul Manning winner in 2003 shows the sign of crashes in the race

View of the Corkscrew Climb

It's get boring waiting for the race to arrive

Chris Newton GB ReCycling.co.uk claims his second stage win into Lisdoonvarna

Tim Barry Tipperary Dan Morrissey was placed 5th. on the stage

Malcolm Elliott second in the stage again and holds on the his green jersey

Eugene Moriarty Team Cycleways.com holds on to his mountain jersey

Morton Hegerberg holds on to the blue jersey

Stuart Gillespie US Team TIAA-CREF in the white jersey

Ghris Newton in the yellow jersey wth stage end organiser Billy Archbold on the right

The jersey line up in Lisdoonvarna was Moriarty, Newton, Hegerberg Elliott and Gillespie

Sally Ryan presents Kenny Williams USTeam Ventilux First Mortgage today he is 38

Race officials Peter Reilly and Tony Campbell


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