The death has taken place of one the great cyclists of yesteryear
Mar 2, 2006, 19:52

Mick Christle
It is with deep regret we learn of the death of Mick Christle, one of the great men of Irish cycling. Mick passed away on Tuesday 28th February.

During the nineteen fifties and sixties Mick graced the Irish cycling scene, he was a consummate trainer, master tactician and far ahead of his time in training methods - if only more of the younger cyclists had listened more attentively to his advice on the best way to train!

As a rider Mick would probably see as his greatest achievements his very fine fourth overall in the 1961 Rás Tailteann and his brilliantly tacitical ride to finish joint first with the legendary Paddy Flanagan in the All-Ireland Road Race Championship.

Mick made no apologies for his strongly held republican views and on matters cycling had no hesitation in forcibly expressing those views at the very highest level of world cycling.

Mick was also a noted hurler, an excellent ballad singer and a gifted storyteller.

The RÁS expresses deepest sympathy to Colm, Brendan and the Christle clann on the death of a much loved brother, brother-in-law,uncle and friend.

Ar dheis Dé raibh a anam.

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