Six AmericanTeams For FBD Insurance RÁS
Apr 5, 2005, 21:09





Mike Barton - Boston Scientific Cycling
Mick Walsh - Team Ventilux First Rate Mortgage
A record number of American teams will be in the line-up when this year’s FBD Insurance RÁS 8 Day International Cycle Race moves off from the GPO in a little over six weeks time on Sunday 22nd May. Confirming the unprecedented interest in Ireland’s cycling showpiece by US teams Race Organiser, Dermot Dignam, released the names of a further five top US teams to that of McGuire Cycles announced a short while ago. Pride of place must go to the powerful Team Guinness, yes, of St. James Gate fame, followed by Team TIAA-CREF, Boston Scientific Cycling, USA Ventilux First Rate Mortgage and US Tradewind Sports-CCB.


Notwithstanding the strength of the Guinness squad Team CIAA-CREF is sure to be in the hunt for major honours. Under the watchful eye of former professional and team-mate of Lance Armstrong, Jonathan Vaughters, the team is comprised of very promising Under 23 riders destined for the paid ranks within a year or two. The young team in the FBD Insurance RÁS will have the benefit of being managed by the experienced Colby Pearce who finished 3rd overall in the ’99 RÁS. Vaughters and Pearce were team-mates in the ’93 race.


The race is sponsored by FBD Insurance and is included on the international calendar as a qualifying event for points for World Cycling Championships and Olympic Games.

Kacey Chamberlin- Team Ventilux First Rate Mortgage

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