An Post Rás Stage 4 Pictures Castleisland To Castletownbere
May 25, 2011, 15:18

Our Postman Today Pat Lyons Gets The Riders Off From Castleisland

Paul Griffin Skoda Ireland

Former Rás Winner Andy Roche Isle Of Man

Race Doctor Conor McGrane Does On The Bike Repairs To The Cyclist's

Javier Benitez KTM Murcia Greece 1st And Marc McNally An Post Sean Kelly 2nd Over Molls Gap

Christain Varley Isle Of Man 3rd Over Molls Gap

I Like To Have My Photo Taken Marcel Brath Thuringer Energy Germany

Gediminas Bagdonas An Post Sean Kelly Time To Take in Some Food

Riders Come Out Of One Of The Many Tunnells

Felix English Skoda Ireland

Sam Bennett An Post Sean Kelly Belgium

Tim Farnham Wonderful Pistachios U.S. A.

Mark McNally An Post Sean Kelly Belgium

The Best Way To Defend The Yellow Jersey Is To Win The Stage Gediminas Bagdonas Wins Into Castletownbere

Stuart Shaw Australia Drapac Wears The Blue Jersey ans 3rd On Stage

Oleksandr Sheydyk Ukraine ISD Lamper Gets The Mountain Jersey

Shane Archbold New Zealand National Team 2nd In Stage And Holder Of Green

Arron Gate New Zealand National Team Holds On To The Spoets Council White Jersey

Tim Barry Carlow Dan Morrissey Best County Rider

Gediminas Bagdonas An Post Sean Kelly In Yellow

Gediminas Bagdonas Yellow Stuart Shaw 3rd In Stage Arron Gate White Shane Archbold Green Oleksandr Sheydyk Mountains

Race Official Cathy Mansfield

Race Official Joe Mcguire (Or Is It Gorgie Best)

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